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  1. WEBAug 17, 2016 · 中国女排的对手是巴西队08年12年奥运会的冠军8年来中国只赢过对手一次中国队B小组第4输了三场巴西队A小组第

    • Reviews: 24
    • WEB回顾 2016里约奥运会女排 最惊心动魄的一战,中国 女排 逆转东道主巴西,晋级半决赛,重温郎平率领的金色一代的辉煌时刻。

    • China is a vast and diverse country that offers a wealth of experiences for travelers. Whether you a… See more
      China is a vast and diverse country that offers a wealth of experiences for travelers. Whether you are interested in ancient history, stunning landscapes, rich culture, or modern cities, China has something for everyone. You can explore the magnificent Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, marvel at the Terracotta Army and the ancient city walls in Xi'an, admire the Buddhist art and the sandstone cliffs in the Mogao Grottoes, or relax in the tranquil gardens and lakes of the Summer Palace. China is also home to some of the world's most spectacular wonders, such as the Great Wall, the Yangtze River, the Yellow Mountains, and the Panda reserves. China's tourism industry is booming, and you can find a variety of tours, accommodations, and transportation options to suit your preferences and budget. China is a destination that will surprise and delight you with its rich heritage, diverse culture, and modern development.
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    • WEB2016里约奥运会女排1/4决赛中国vs巴西 回放 1996亚特兰大奥运女排半决赛中国vs俄罗斯 回放 《运动人生》外卖拳王张方勇

    • 重温经典!里约奥运女排1/4决赛中国vs巴西


    • WEB当日在2016年里约奥运会女子排球四分之一决赛中中国队以3比2战胜巴西队晋级四强新华社记者岳月伟摄 新华社里约热内卢8月16日体